Tuesday, December 8


So, I am in total decorating mode...finally time to make this place our home. However this is such a long process! At first I was so excited; picturing myself in a cute little apron making our home! Unfortunately, doing it mostly by myself in between working and life, it becomes very daunting. I just keep telling myself, one step at a time. Between decorating our home for our first married Christmas, renovating, moving in, and sorting through stuff,... I am starting to see small victories and it makes me ever so happy!

As one of our wedding presents, one of our dear friends is buying us furniture and a rug. Picking the furniture is a lot harder than we had anticipated. I will show you pictures of that whole process later. But for our big living room, we are getting a rug. Finding a rug we actually like, was difficult. I love this sculptural rug (above) from Gandia Blasco. It would be too small for our space. CLICK HERE to see a few more Blasco rugs I love...not for our house, but still lovely. However, I believe we are going with the rug shown below. We both really like the reverse skin, tan zebra...I never thought I was an "animal skin" person, but as I have been looking for things to decorate our home, I definitely see a zebra theme arising...which reminds me of Kelly.

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